News › We did it – 12th Jenaer Laser­ta­gung vir­tually successful

Post­pone or delete com­ple­tely? Vir­tual, hybrid or pre­sence? Like ever­yone, we dis­cus­sed often and long last year whe­ther and how the 12th Jenaer Laser­ta­gung could take place. But then we deci­ded quite cle­arly in favor of sci­en­ti­fic and eco­no­mic exch­ange and the vir­tual adventure.

By now, ever­yone knows about the feared dif­fi­cul­ties and chal­lenges of a vir­tual event: lack of net­wor­king and major tech­ni­cal depen­den­cies. Despite these chal­lenges, the Jenaer Laser­ta­gung was able to be set up online with the mutual sup­port of all par­ti­ci­pants and spea­k­ers. Over the course of two days, 47 highly exci­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons from the laser indus­try were pre­sen­ted to the audi­ence online. A big thank you goes to the spea­k­ers and exhi­bi­tors, who had pro­fes­sio­nally recor­ded their pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in advan­ced to enable a tech­ni­cally flaw­less course of events.

At a con­fe­rence, net­wor­king and mutual exch­ange are just as important for a suc­cessful event as the con­tent of the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. A vir­tual lounge was set up espe­ci­ally for this pur­pose, so that par­ti­ci­pants and spea­k­ers could meet there during the gene­rously desi­gned breaks for a joint dia­log, ask ques­ti­ons and share expert know­ledge. The icing on the cake of the laser con­fe­rence was the online evening event, which invi­ted ever­yone to get to know each other with a drink. #Laser Spinaci The rela­xed atmo­sphere, the joint net­wor­king and the top-class pre­sen­ta­ti­ons ulti­m­ately made it pos­si­ble for the laser con­fe­rence to be a vir­tual success!

We would like to thank all par­ti­ci­pants, spea­k­ers, spon­sors and exhi­bi­tors for their sup­port! We take these won­derful expe­ri­en­ces with us into the new year and look for­ward to future col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons and events.

Hinter den Kulissen der 12. Jenaer Lasertagung
The teams behind the sce­nes from top left to bot­tom right: Team Ernst-Abbe-Hoch­schule with Lukas Eck­hardt, Anne-Marie Schwa­ger, Prof. Jens Bliedt­ner and Kevin Förs­ter; Team FSU with Prof. Ste­fan Nolte and Daniel Rich­ter, Team Opto­Net with Arite Krip­pen­dorf, Nora Kirs­ten, Anke Mank, Peggy, Ler­ner and Tho­mas Bauer, Team ifw with Johan­nes Lange and Dr. Mar­tin Kahle.