News › Back after forced break – We cele­brate 20 years of ultra precision

It has been 20 years since we laun­ched a work­shop for­mat of the par­ti­cu­larly pre­cise kind tog­e­ther with the experts at Fraun­ho­fer IOF. After the forced break due to Corona, it was now time to cele­brate the anni­ver­sary in a fit­ting manner.

On Sep­tem­ber 14, we toas­ted the bir­th­day at the Volks­bad Jena – with old and new fri­ends, long-time com­pa­n­ions and colleagues.

Four spe­cial per­so­na­li­ties are clo­sely asso­cia­ted with one of OptoNet’s most suc­cessful for­mats: Jef­frey Roblee, Olt­mann Rie­mer, Gavin Chap­man and Andreas Gebhardt.

Time to say thank you for their exper­tise, inspi­ra­tion and support!

But also to all the others who made for a great evening: Andreas Tün­ner­mann with his talk about Fraun­ho­fer IOF and the pho­to­nics region Jena, and last but not least the Octa­vi­ans for the musi­cal accompaniment.

We would like to thank all par­ti­ci­pants, spon­sors and sup­port­ers for the suc­cessful event!

More impres­si­ons at LinkedIn