News › ZEISS · FDA appr­oval for MTLaw­ton – a new gene­ra­tion of bipo­lar forceps for electrosurgery

The sur­gi­cal instru­ment redu­ces tis­sue sti­cking and allows a clear view of coagu­la­tion for effi­ci­ent dissection.


ZEISS Medi­cal Tech­no­logy announ­ces that it has recei­ved 510(k) cle­arance from the U.S. Food and Drug Admi­nis­tra­tion (FDA) for MTLaw­tonTM. This new bipo­lar forceps is based on a spe­cial cop­per alloy and poten­ti­ally redu­ces sti­cking and sub­se­quent bur­ning of the tis­sue being dis­sec­ted. Thanks to their exten­ded shaft, the forceps also reduce visual rest­ric­tions on the sur­gi­cal field and help sur­ge­ons to per­form elec­tro­sur­gi­cal pro­ce­du­res efficiently.

By working clo­sely with users, ZEISS medi­cal tech­no­logy suc­ceeds in deve­lo­ping solu­ti­ons that help doc­tors treat their pati­ents in the best pos­si­ble way. The deve­lo­p­ment of the new bipo­lar forceps from ZEISS is based on close col­la­bo­ra­tion with Michael T. Law­ton, one of the world’s lea­ding neu­ro­sur­ge­ons. »Com­pared to alu­mi­num-based alloy bipo­lar forceps, the MTLaw­ton is a true advance­ment in elec­tro­sur­gery. Our cop­per-based alloy has supe­rior ther­mal con­duc­ti­vity, impro­ving hemo­sta­sis and redu­cing tis­sue adhe­sion,« empha­si­zed Michael T. Law­ton, MD, Pre­si­dent and CEO, Chair, Depart­ment of Neu­ro­sur­gery, Bar­row Neu­ro­lo­gi­cal Insti­tute, Phoenix/Arizona (USA). »The MTLaw­ton has noti­ceable bene­fits and also helps me with dif­fi­cult arte­rio­ve­nous malformations.«

Advan­ta­ges for hemo­sta­tic tre­at­ment during mini­mally inva­sive procedures

During mini­mally inva­sive sur­gery, bipo­lar forceps are used for hemo­sta­sis (hemo­sta­sis) and tis­sue sepa­ra­tion, among other pro­ce­du­res. When coagu­la­ting tis­sue, the high heat at the tips of the elec­tro­sur­gi­cal instru­ments can cause the instru­ments to stick to the tis­sue. MTLaw­ton from ZEISS sets new stan­dards in non-stick tech­no­logy with its spe­cial cop­per-based alloy: the impro­ved mate­rial con­ducts heat away from the sil­ver-pla­ted tips fas­ter, poten­ti­ally redu­cing sti­cking with sub­se­quent tis­sue burning.

Opti­mal sup­port during sur­gi­cal procedures

Espe­ci­ally in neu­ro­sur­gery, visua­liza­tion and sur­gi­cal instru­ments must go hand in hand to ensure that cri­ti­cal struc­tures are not obscu­red. MTLaw­ton from ZEISS, with its ele­gant shape and exten­ded shaft, enables a clear view of the coagu­la­tion area – even in nar­row and deep cavi­ties. Thanks to its cop­per-based mate­rial, MTLaw­ton from ZEISS is also robust and enables sur­ge­ons to handle tis­sue more efficiently.

»With the acqui­si­tion of Kogent Sur­gi­cal in April of this year, ZEISS has expan­ded its range of sur­gi­cal solu­ti­ons for micro­sur­gery. We are plea­sed to intro­duce the first sur­gi­cal instru­ment from this acqui­si­tion to the mar­ket with FDA appr­oval for MTLaw­ton,« said Dr. Mar­kus Weber, CEO of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG.

ZEISS will pre­sent MTLaw­ton tog­e­ther with other solu­ti­ons for neu­ro­sur­gery at the Con­gress of Neu­ro­lo­gi­cal Sur­ge­ons (CNS) in San Fran­cisco from Octo­ber 10–12, 2022.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on elec­tro­sur­gi­cal instru­ments from ZEISS can be found here: