News › ZEISS · Pre­sen­ta­tion of the All-in-One Cell Ima­ging Sys­tem ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digital

Today, ZEISS is intro­du­cing its new all-in-one cell ima­ging sys­tem. ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digi­tal uses arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) and auto­ma­tic func­tions to ease daily work in the cell lab. From sci­en­ti­fic rou­tine to basic rese­arch, from phase con­trast to mul­tich­an­nel fluo­re­s­cence ima­ging, pro­ces­ses become more effi­ci­ent and results more repro­du­ci­ble. The sys­tem comes with an intui­tive ope­ra­ting con­cept. Even novice users are gua­ran­teed to pro­duce bril­li­ant images with ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digi­tal. Set­tings or adjus­t­ments take place automatically.

ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digi­tal uses arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) and auto­ma­tic func­tions to ease daily work in the cell lab.

Fle­xi­bi­lity and Speed

Lab tech­ni­ci­ans and rese­ar­chers can use bright­field, phase and fluo­re­s­cence con­trast to inves­ti­gate cell or tis­sue cul­tures. By pres­sing a but­ton, the sys­tem takes over and auto­ma­ti­cally adjusts expo­sure time, acqui­res the image, swit­ches the chan­nel, and starts again. The images are auto­ma­ti­cally stored with all the microscope’s meta­data, as well as sca­ling information.

AI-assis­ted Workflows

ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digi­tal uses AI to opti­mally sup­port work­flows. Cell coun­ting and cell con­fluency can be auto­ma­ti­cally deter­mi­ned by rea­dily available AI modu­les with a click of a but­ton. Users can instantly mea­sure and dis­play the per­cen­tage of cell coverage or num­ber of cells in their Petri dish.

Easy and Ergo­no­mic Handling

The ergo­no­mic design of ZEISS Axio­vert 5 digi­tal sup­ports pro­per sys­tem ope­ra­tion and thus makes it the per­fect fit for multi-user envi­ron­ments. By pres­sing a but­ton, users are able to trig­ger sin­gle snaps, multi-chan­nel image acqui­si­ti­ons or video recor­dings – with mini­mal trai­ning and prior knowledge.