News › ZEISS • Effec­ti­ve­ness and effi­ci­ency of tar­ge­ted intra-ope­ra­tive sin­gle dose radio­the­rapy for breast can­cer pati­ents confirmed

New long-term results from the inter­na­tio­nal TARGIT‑A breast can­cer study, based on ZEISS tech­no­logy, have been published

Use of tar­ge­ted intra-ope­ra­tive radio­the­rapy (TARGIT), as a sin­gle dose – with ZEISS INTRABEAM – directly after rem­oval of a tumor, con­firmed as non-infe­rior, when com­pared with exter­nal beam radio­the­rapy (EBRT). Within the accu­racy of the study, the risk of a local tumor recur­rence in the breast is simi­lar and non-breast can­cer death is redu­ced. The TARGIT‑A ran­do­mi­zed, multi-cen­ter phase 3 study invol­ving 2298 pati­ents with a median pati­ent fol­low-up time of 8.6 years meets the hig­hest sci­en­ti­fic standards.

Glo­bally more than 40,000 pati­ents have alre­ady been trea­ted, in over 350 breast can­cer cen­ters, with the TARGIT method. »Sin­gle dose intra-ope­ra­tive radio­the­rapy for early stage breast can­cer can be a bet­ter alter­na­tive to con­ven­tio­nal whole breast radio­the­rapy for most pati­ents during pri­mary tumor manage­ment « sta­ted the prin­ci­pal inves­ti­ga­tor Pro­fes­sor Jayant Vai­dya, Pro­fes­sor of Sur­gery and Onco­logy and Sci­en­ti­fic Direc­tor at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don when pre­sen­ting the results of the study. “These excel­lent results pro­vide real cli­ni­cal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for sin­gle intra­ope­ra­tive radia­tion in sui­ta­ble pati­ents with early breast can­cer. It is now essen­tial to deve­lop the cor­re­spon­ding tre­at­ment gui­de­lines as soon as pos­si­ble”, added Pro­fes­sor Jef­frey Tobias, Pro­fes­sor of Onco­logy at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don and joint initia­tor of the TARGIT‑A study.

Posi­tive cli­ni­cal study results vali­date TARGIT as an option in breast can­cer treatment

The local, recur­rence-free sur­vi­val rate of women trea­ted with sin­gle dose TARGIT is non-infe­rior when com­pared with EBRT. The mor­ta­lity in the TARGIT arm was even lower because of fewer car­dio-vas­cu­lar deaths.

»We are deligh­ted with the posi­tive results, as the ZEISS INTRABEAM 600 now repres­ents an out­stan­ding tre­at­ment alter­na­tive for many pati­ents. We are con­fi­dent that the pro­ce­dure can now find its way into ever­y­day cli­ni­cal prac­tice« said Lud­win Monz, CEO of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG.

TARGIT method unders­cored as an effi­ci­ency-ori­en­ted treatment

»This study reflects two deca­des of inter­di­sci­pli­nary cli­ni­cal rese­arch by lea­ding radia­tion onco­lo­gists, sur­ge­ons, phy­si­cists and health eco­no­mists. The TARGIT‑A trial has offe­red many breast can­cer pati­ents a tre­at­ment that is well tole­ra­ted, effec­tive, con­ve­ni­ent and highly cost effi­ci­ent«, sum­ma­ri­zed Pro­fes­sor Wil­liam Small, Pro­fes­sor of Radio-onco­logy at Loyola Uni­ver­sity, Chi­cago and one of the world’s lea­ding radia­tion oncologists.

Brief Pro­file

Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG (ISIN: DE 0005313704), which is lis­ted on the MDAX and TecDAX of the Ger­man stock exch­ange, is one of the world’s lea­ding medi­cal tech­no­logy com­pa­nies. The Com­pany sup­plies inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted solu­ti­ons desi­gned to help doc­tors improve the qua­lity of life of their pati­ents. The Com­pany offers com­plete solu­ti­ons, inclu­ding implants and con­su­ma­bles, to dia­gnose and treat eye dise­a­ses. The Com­pany crea­tes inno­va­tive visua­liza­tion solu­ti­ons in the field of micro­sur­gery. With 3,232 employees (as of 30 Sep­tem­ber 2019) world­wide, the Group gene­ra­ted reve­nue of €1,459.3m in fis­cal year 2018/19 (as of 30 September).

The Group’s head office is loca­ted in Jena, Ger­many, and it has sub­si­dia­ries in Ger­many and abroad; more than 50 per­cent of its employees are based in the USA, Japan, Spain and France. The Cen­ter for Appli­ca­tion and Rese­arch (CARIn) in Banga­lore, India and the Carl Zeiss Inno­va­tions Cen­ter for Rese­arch and Deve­lo­p­ment in Shang­hai, China, streng­then the Company’s pre­sence in these rapidly deve­lo­ping eco­no­mies. Around 41 per­cent of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG’s shares are in free float. The remai­ning approx. 59 per­cent are held by Carl Zeiss AG, one of the world’s lea­ding groups in the opti­cal and opto­elec­tro­nic industries.

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Press Cont­act

Petra Ret­ten­maier
Head of Mar­ke­ting Communications
Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG
+49 7364 204–232

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons Contact

Sebas­tian Frericks
Direc­tor Inves­tor Relations
Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG
+49 3641 220–116