News › ZEISS • Intro­du­ces New Micro­scopy Slide Scanner

ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 com­bi­nes scan­ning per­for­mance with appli­ca­tion freedom

With the release of ZEISS Axi­os­can 7, ZEISS pres­ents its next-gene­ra­tion slide scan­ner for the auto­ma­ted digi­tiza­tion of micro­scopy samples. Fol­lo­wing its suc­cessful pre­de­ces­sor ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1, ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 pro­vi­des signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments in almost every aspect: a new acqui­si­tion engine for hig­her scan speeds, a broa­der range of ima­ging modes for more appli­ca­tion fle­xi­bi­lity, exten­ded capa­bi­li­ties for advan­ced fluo­re­s­cence ima­ging, and a dra­ma­ti­cally impro­ved user experience.

The demand for crea­ting high-qua­lity vir­tual micro­scopy slides in an auto­ma­ted and relia­ble way has been incre­asing in life sci­ence rese­arch labs, core ima­ging faci­li­ties, and in pharma rese­arch. ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 addres­ses both the need for relia­ble 24/7 scan per­for­mance as well as hig­hest ima­ging qua­lity across a multi­tude of appli­ca­ti­ons by com­bi­ning con­ti­nuously high scan speeds and simple ope­ra­tion with appli­ca­tion-spe­ci­fic cus­to­miza­tion options.

Addi­tio­nal bright­field con­trast methods enable more com­pre­hen­sive sam­ple characterization

ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 allows auto­ma­tic swit­ching bet­ween dif­fe­rent bright­field ima­ging modes to adapt to the requi­re­ments of dif­fe­rent appli­ca­ti­ons while main­tai­ning opti­mal scan­ning per­for­mance. Cir­cu­lar and linear pola­riza­tion are now fully sup­ported, ope­ning a new range of expe­ri­ments and moda­lity com­bi­na­ti­ons. Trans­fer of Inten­sity Equa­tion (TIE) is a new digi­tal method for con­trast gene­ra­tion in trans­pa­rent samples, adding phase and relief con­trast to the wealth of ima­ging modes. TIE enables detec­tion of trans­pa­rent tis­sues with little to no con­trast in regu­lar bright­field mode and can the­r­e­fore aid expe­ri­ments with sen­si­tive fluo­re­s­cent dyes by pro­tec­ting the samples from blea­ching and acce­le­ra­ting the sub­se­quent fluo­re­s­cence ima­ging pro­cess with very fast focusing.

Highly pro­duc­tive fluo­re­s­cence imaging

Speed, gentle tre­at­ment, and the opti­mal wave­length are cri­ti­cal when it comes to mul­tis­pec­tral fluo­re­s­cence ima­ging. ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 employs swift and repro­du­ci­ble LED illu­mi­na­tion, fast fil­ter wheels, and a sophisti­ca­ted fil­ter con­cept to effi­ci­ently sepa­rate a broad range of fluo­re­s­cence chan­nels. Two light sources – the super-fast 7 wave­lengths LED light source ZEISS Coli­bri 7 and the white light LED light source X‑Cite Xylis – pro­vide fle­xi­bi­lity in sel­ec­ting the appro­priate wave­lengths. Newly desi­gned fil­ter sets for mul­ti­plex­ing appli­ca­ti­ons allow for clear spec­tral delinea­tion wit­hout the need for addi­tio­nal soft­ware to sepa­rate fluo­re­s­cent channels.

Advan­ced came­ras enhance image quality

The new slide scan­ner is equip­ped with the most advan­ced Pel­tier-coo­led came­ras from the ZEISS Axio­cam port­fo­lio to sup­port bright­field and fluo­re­s­cence appli­ca­ti­ons with state-of-the-art ima­ging per­for­mance. With 55 frames per second acqui­si­tion speed and a large field of view, ZEISS Axio­cam 705 color rapidly accom­plishes bright­field and pola­riza­tion ima­ging tasks. ZEISS Axio­cam 712 mono offers small pixels (3.45 µm), fully cap­tu­ring the reso­lu­tion poten­tial of the high nume­ri­cal aper­ture optics, and very low rea­dout noise, making this camera the pre­fer­red choice for advan­ced fluo­re­s­cence ima­ging applications.

A sound investment

The demand for hig­her through­put and scree­ning capa­bi­lity dri­ves the charge towards auto­ma­ted instru­ments. ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 pro­vi­des auto­ma­tion wit­hout sacri­fi­cing fle­xi­bi­lity or the high qua­lity of images nee­ded to attract a very wide range of users to core ima­ging faci­li­ties. With approa­ches as varied as mul­ti­plex­ing in tis­sue sec­tions to pola­riza­tion in rock sec­tions, the new slide scan­ner attracts users from depart­ments as diverse as life sci­ence and geo­logy. The powerful com­bi­na­tion of accom­mo­da­ting a broad user base with robust design places ZEISS Axi­os­can 7 as a top per­for­mer when it comes to usage hours, and it quickly pays for itself.


EISS is an inter­na­tio­nally lea­ding tech­no­logy enter­prise ope­ra­ting in the fields of optics and opto­elec­tro­nics. In the pre­vious fis­cal year, the ZEISS Group gene­ra­ted annual reve­nue tota­ling 6.3 bil­lion euros in its four seg­ments Semi­con­duc­tor Manu­fac­tu­ring Tech­no­logy, Indus­trial Qua­lity & Rese­arch, Medi­cal Tech­no­logy and Con­su­mer Mar­kets (sta­tus: 30 Sep­tem­ber 2020).

For its cus­to­mers, ZEISS deve­lops, pro­du­ces and dis­tri­bu­tes highly inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons for indus­trial metro­logy and qua­lity assu­rance, micro­scopy solu­ti­ons for the life sci­en­ces and mate­ri­als rese­arch, and medi­cal tech­no­logy solu­ti­ons for dia­gno­stics and tre­at­ment in oph­thal­mo­logy and micro­sur­gery. The name ZEISS is also syn­ony­mous with the world’s lea­ding litho­gra­phy optics, which are used by the chip indus­try to manu­fac­ture semi­con­duc­tor com­pon­ents. There is glo­bal demand for trend­set­ting ZEISS brand pro­ducts such as eye­glass len­ses, camera len­ses and binoculars.

With a port­fo­lio ali­gned with future growth areas like digi­ta­liza­tion, health­care and Smart Pro­duc­tion and a strong brand, ZEISS is sha­ping the future of tech­no­logy and con­stantly advan­cing the world of optics and rela­ted fields with its solu­ti­ons. The company’s signi­fi­cant, sus­tainable invest­ments in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment lay the foun­da­tion for the suc­cess and con­tin­ued expan­sion of ZEISS‹ tech­no­logy and mar­ket lea­der­ship. ZEISS invests 13 per­cent of its reve­nue in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment – this high level of expen­dit­ure has a long tra­di­tion at ZEISS and is also an invest­ment in the future.

With over 32,000 employees, ZEISS is active glo­bally in almost 50 count­ries with around 30 pro­duc­tion sites, 60 sales and ser­vice com­pa­nies and 27 rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment faci­li­ties. Foun­ded in 1846 in Jena, the com­pany is head­quar­te­red in Ober­ko­chen, Ger­many. The Carl Zeiss Foun­da­tion, one of the lar­gest foun­da­ti­ons in Ger­many com­mit­ted to the pro­mo­tion of sci­ence, is the sole owner of the hol­ding com­pany, Carl Zeiss AG.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion at

ZEISS Rese­arch Micro­scopy Solutions

ZEISS Rese­arch Micro­scopy Solu­ti­ons is the world’s only one-stop manu­fac­tu­rer of light, elec­tron, X‑ray and ion micro­scope sys­tems and offers solu­ti­ons for cor­re­la­tive micro­scopy. The port­fo­lio com­pri­ses of pro­ducts and ser­vices for life sci­en­ces, mate­ri­als and indus­trial rese­arch, as well as edu­ca­tion and cli­ni­cal prac­tice. The unit is head­quar­te­red in Jena. Addi­tio­nal pro­duc­tion and deve­lo­p­ment sites are loca­ted in Ober­ko­chen and Munich, as well as in Cam­bourne (UK) and Plea­san­ton (USA). ZEISS Rese­arch Micro­scopy Solu­ti­ons is part of the Indus­trial Qua­lity & Rese­arch segment.

Press Cont­act
ZEISS Rese­arch Micro­scopy Solutions
Vyb­hav Sinha
+49 3641 64–3949