News › ZEISS • Pre­sen­ta­tion of the industry’s first soft­ware appli­ca­tion as part of the ZEISS Medi­cal Ecosystem

A fully con­nec­ted and inte­gra­ted approach keeps ZEISS at the fore­front of oph­thal­mo­logy with new data manage­ment inno­va­tions across devices, work­flow solu­ti­ons and soft­ware applications

At ZEISS Inno­va­tion Week, Sep­tem­ber 21–23, 2021, ZEISS Medi­cal Tech­no­logy will intro­duce indus­try-first, inte­gra­ted solu­ti­ons that bring fur­ther value to the ZEISS Medi­cal Eco­sys­tem, con­nec­ting devices, data and appli­ca­ti­ons that will help maxi­mize cli­ni­cal effi­ci­ency and performance.

“ZEISS con­ti­nues to invest in digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies, brin­ging our digi­tal offe­rings to the next level with the ZEISS Medi­cal Eco­sys­tem which helps cus­to­mers leverage the value of a con­nec­ted envi­ron­ment,” said Dr. Lud­win Monz, Pre­si­dent and CEO of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG. “It is our mis­sion to con­tri­bute to the pro­gress of medi­cine, enab­ling more effi­ci­ent and cost-effec­tive tre­at­ments and pro­vi­ding access to high-qua­lity medi­cal care to as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. Our invest­ment in digi­tal tech­no­logy will con­ti­nue to make adop­tion of digi­ta­liza­tion easy and intuitive.”

ZEISS intro­du­ces a new inte­gra­ted cata­ract work­flow solu­tion for lens repla­ce­ment with the launch of the
ZEISS QUATERA 700*. This revo­lu­tion in phaco tech­no­logy includes the ZEISS paten­ted QUATTRO Pump® which deli­vers cham­ber sta­bi­lity inde­pen­dent of intra-ocu­lar pres­sure (IOP) and flow. The QUATERA 700 increa­ses a surgeon’s work­flow effi­ci­ency from the cli­nic to the ope­ra­ting room, enab­ling one digi­tally inte­gra­ted sur­gi­cal work­flow. “I have been loo­king for­ward to having this sys­tem in my OR, it was a big moment for me,” said Sri Ganesh, MD, Chair­man and Mana­ging Direc­tor of Neth­rad­hama Super Spe­cia­lity Eye Hos­pi­tal, Bangalore/India. “Then I saw that it actually works – the cham­ber is so sta­ble, the new pump works very well. It is some­thing that I’ve never seen before and I’ve used all dif­fe­rent phaco machi­nes in my career of almost three decades.”

The ZEISS Cata­ract Work­flow is fur­ther enhan­ced with two new and ori­gi­nal sur­gi­cal soft­ware appli­ca­ti­ons. The new ZEISS EYEGUIDE* pati­ent soft­ware appli­ca­tion is a vir­tual coach for pati­ents and cli­nics to stay con­nec­ted through the entire cata­ract tre­at­ment pro­cess. The ZEISS Sur­gery Opti­mi­zer* appli­ca­tion is deve­lo­ped for sur­ge­ons as a new and inno­va­tive way of uti­li­zing sur­gi­cal videos to enable self-trai­ning of phy­si­ci­ans and stan­dar­diza­tion of sur­gi­cal techniques.

Addi­tio­nally, the new ZEISS CT LUCIA 621* mono­fo­cal IOL fea­tures the paten­ted ZEISS Optic (ZO) Asphe­ri­city Con­cept with its uni­quely for­gi­ving design to deli­ver excel­lent visual out­co­mes for a broad range of pati­ents and sur­gi­cal situa­tions, and the new ZEISS OPTIKIT* offers a fully cus­to­mizable sur­gi­cal pack that per­fectly com­ple­ments the ZEISS Lens Extra­c­tion offering.

“Tog­e­ther with ZEISS’ data plat­form and sur­gi­cal plan­ning soft­ware, these inno­va­tions posi­tion ZEISS as a full sur­gi­cal lea­der in oph­thal­mo­logy,” said Euan S. Thom­son, PhD, Pre­si­dent of Oph­thal­mic Devices and Head of the Digi­tal Busi­ness Unit for Carl Zeiss Medi­tec. “Harnes­sing the power of data-gene­ra­ted insights ZEISS crea­tes an envi­ron­ment where con­nec­ti­vity, auto­ma­tion, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, and safe and effi­ci­ent manage­ment of data can solve the chal­lenges that cus­to­mers face every day.”

The new ZEISS VISUMAX 800*, the next gene­ra­tion of ZEISS fem­to­se­cond lasers, crea­tes a com­for­ta­ble pati­ent and sur­geon expe­ri­ence by redu­cing laser time and poten­tial tran­scrip­tion errors with easy tre­at­ment plan­ning and data ana­ly­sis via FORUM® to the ZEISS Refrac­tive Work­place* through a digi­tally con­nec­ted cor­neal refrac­tive workflow.

“I am sure every sur­geon will app­re­ciate the bene­fits that come with the digi­tal con­nec­ti­vity such as eli­mi­na­tion of tran­scrip­tion errors and the pos­si­bi­lity of remote plan­ning, but really the grea­test step for­ward is the incre­di­ble speed of the VISUMAX 800 laser scan­ning making suc­tion loss vir­tually a thing of the past,” said Prof. Dr. Wal­ter Sekundo, Pro­fes­sor and Chair­man, Oph­thal­mo­logy Depart­ment, Phil­ipps Uni­ver­sity of Mar­burg, Germany.

Addi­tio­nally, the ZEISS Retina Work­flow has been enhan­ced bey­ond the tra­di­tio­nal oph­thal­mo­logy office and into pri­mary health­care set­tings with the new ZEISS VELARA Teler­eti­nal Scree­ning Sys­tem, a com­plete end-to-end solu­tion used by pri­mary care pro­vi­ders to help increase the qua­lity and com­pli­ance of dia­be­tic pati­ents, allo­wing annual reti­nal exams to be com­ple­ted during rou­tine pri­mary care visits. The solu­tion is available only in the U.S. initially.

“We always think of our­sel­ves as pro­vi­ding the best medi­cal care available. And so how can we do that in the shor­test time pos­si­ble, how can we get pati­ents in and out?” said Dr. Nathan Kiskila, Urgent Care Gene­ral Prac­ti­tio­ner Pre­si­dent, Foun­der and Co-Owner of Mar­que Medi­cal, California/USA. “The ZEISS VELARA Teler­eti­nal Scree­ning Sys­tem is one more thing that I think we will have in our tool­box as phy­si­ci­ans to offer to our pati­ents to really pro­vide good medi­cal care and make things happen.”

The new inte­gra­ted devices, soft­ware appli­ca­ti­ons and other work­flow solu­ti­ons will be show­ca­sed this week during the ZEISS Inno­va­tion Week from Sep­tem­ber 21 to 23, 2021. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

Brief Pro­file

Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG (ISIN: DE 0005313704), which is lis­ted on the MDAX and TecDAX of the Ger­man stock exch­ange, is one of the world’s lea­ding medi­cal tech­no­logy com­pa­nies. The Com­pany sup­plies inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted solu­ti­ons desi­gned to help doc­tors improve the qua­lity of life of their pati­ents. The Com­pany offers com­plete solu­ti­ons, inclu­ding implants and con­su­ma­bles, to dia­gnose and treat eye dise­a­ses. The Com­pany crea­tes inno­va­tive visua­liza­tion solu­ti­ons in the field of micro­sur­gery. With 3,290 employees world­wide, the Group gene­ra­ted reve­nue of €1,335.5m in fis­cal year 2019/20 (to 30 September).

The Group’s head office is loca­ted in Jena, Ger­many, and it has sub­si­dia­ries in Ger­many and abroad; more than 50 per­cent of its employees are based in the USA, Japan, Spain and France. The Cen­ter for Appli­ca­tion and Rese­arch (CARIn) in Banga­lore, India and the Carl Zeiss Inno­va­tions Cen­ter for Rese­arch and Deve­lo­p­ment in Shang­hai, China, streng­then the Company’s pre­sence in these rapidly deve­lo­ping eco­no­mies. Around 41 per­cent of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG’s shares are in free float. The remai­ning approx. 59 per­cent are held by Carl Zeiss AG, one of the world’s lea­ding groups in the opti­cal and opto­elec­tro­nic industries.


Lau­rie Ferguson
Head of Glo­bal Communications
Oph­thal­mic Devices
Carl Zeiss Meditec
+1 925 719 7825


Sebas­tian Frericks
Direc­tor Inves­tor Relations
Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG
+49 3641 220–116