News › ZEISS • vir­tual ESCRS & EURETINA Con­gress 2020

ZEISS Intro­du­ces New Solu­tion Enhance­ments for Pro­ce­dure Work­flows at ESCRS and EURETINA

ZEISS pres­ents its new solu­tion enhance­ments to help doc­tors maxi­mize cli­ni­cal effi­ci­ency and improve pati­ent care – from assess­ment, dia­gno­sis, to tre­at­ment. The latest digi­tal solu­ti­ons from ZEISS are simple to set up, simple to use, and pro­vide ama­zing insights across the full spec­trum of care.

  • The ZEISS IOL­Mas­ter 700 with Cen­tral Topo­gra­phy and the CT LUCIA® 621P/PY help opti­mize the way cata­ract sur­ge­ons work.
  • With more than 3 mil­lion SMILE® tre­at­ments world­wide, the ZEISS LVC port­fo­lio crea­tes well-pro­ven alter­na­ti­ves to com­monly used pro­ce­du­res, enab­ling sur­ge­ons to pro­vide effi­ci­ent pro­jec­ta­ble decis­i­ons and results with tools such as the ZEISS Nomo­gram Service.
  • The future pro­duct, FORUM® Cloud Viewer, will help doc­tors review their pati­ents’ data from any­where, any­time, and col­la­bo­rate with their col­le­agues for a second opinion.

“ZEISS is exci­ted to show­case why we con­ti­nue to be one of the lea­ding oph­thal­mo­logy com­pa­nies in the world and the only com­pany that can sup­port dia­gno­sis, tre­at­ment and manage­ment across the full spec­trum of care,” said Euan S. Thom­son, PhD, Pre­si­dent of Oph­thal­mic Devices and Head of the Digi­tal Busi­ness Unit for Carl Zeiss Medi­tec. “ZEISS is also inves­t­ing in digi­tal solu­ti­ons to cap­ture and inte­grate data across cli­ni­cal work­flows to help doc­tors under­stand how that data can be used to improve cli­ni­cal decis­i­ons and pro­vide bet­ter pati­ent outcomes.”

Opti­mi­zing the way cata­ract sur­ge­ons work

ZEISS is pro­vi­ding tech­no­lo­gies and ser­vices to sur­ge­ons to enhance the cata­ract pro­ce­dure with regards to effi­ci­ency, cost effec­ti­ve­ness and sim­pli­city, while main­tai­ning estab­lished stan­dards and ensu­ring excel­lent pati­ent out­co­mes. ZEISS has one of the lar­gest port­fo­lios in the indus­try, cove­ring all work­flow steps with high-qua­lity pro­ducts and ser­vices con­nec­ted through a holi­stic system.

The IOL­Mas­ter® 700 with Cen­tral Topo­gra­phy (CT) allows sur­ge­ons to gain addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion and detect visually rele­vant asym­me­tries on cen­tral cor­neal shape with the stan­dard ZEISS IOL­Mas­ter 700 mea­su­re­ment, wit­hout nee­ding extra mea­su­re­ments, extra hard­ware, or extra time. The new IOL­Mas­ter 700 with CT also fea­tures an update to the Bar­rett Suite with the True‑K TK for­mula allo­wing up to 12 per­cent more post-myo­pic LASIK pati­ents to be within ±0.5D com­pared to the clas­sic K cal­cu­la­tion formula1. The update also includes ZEISS EQ Mobile cloud con­nec­ti­vity so doc­tors can access IOL cal­cu­la­tion reports on their mobile device and trans­fer sur­gi­cal plan­ning data via the cloud to the ope­ra­ting room.

“Sca­ling and hues of the ZEISS IOL­Mas­ter 700 with Cen­tral Topo­gra­phy are opti­mi­zed for easy and intui­tive cor­nea checks,” says Dr. Dou­glas D. Koch, MD, a co-deve­lo­per of the Cen­tral Topo­gra­phy soft­ware fea­ture. “I am ama­zed at how much infor­ma­tion we get from Cen­tral Topography.”

As an addi­tio­nal work­flow enhance­ment, the CT LUCIA® 621P/PY from ZEISS with uni­que ZEISS optic design is the new-gene­ra­tion asphe­ric mono­fo­cal c‑loop IOL in the hydro­pho­bic ZEISS port­fo­lio. The paten­ted asphe­ric optic design of the ZEISS CT LUCIA device miti­ga­tes against poten­tial decen­tra­tion issues while still pro­vi­ding excel­lent visual out­co­mes. It also comes in a new and impro­ved fully prel­oa­ded injec­tor that pro­mo­tes an easy and safe cata­ract workflow.

“The ZEISS optic of the CT LUCIA 621 makes the lens more for­gi­ving, or less sen­si­tive, when it comes to decen­tra­tion,” said Dr. Andreas F. Bor­ken­stein, MD, co-foun­der of Bor­ken­stein & Bor­ken­stein, Pri­vate Prac­tice at the Cli­nic of Kreuz­schwes­tern Graz, Austria.

“ZEISS is offe­ring cata­ract sur­ge­ons and pati­ents an impro­ved sur­gi­cal expe­ri­ence with inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons such as the IOL­Mas­ter 700 with Cen­tral Topo­gra­phy and the CT LUCIA 621,” says Dr. Lud­win Monz, Pre­si­dent and CEO of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec. “We’re exci­ted to show­case the entire cata­ract work­flow at ESCRS, demons­t­ra­ting our com­mit­ment to pro­vi­ding cus­to­mers with a bet­ter way of working, so they can pro­vide their pati­ents with spe­cia­li­zed care every step of the way.”

Gro­wing the refrac­tive sur­gery busi­ness with one of the most com­pre­hen­sive LVC portfolios

ZEISS offers one of the most com­pre­hen­sive Laser Vision Cor­rec­tion port­fo­lios in the indus­try, inclu­ding PRK, LASIK, mini­mal inva­sive lens extra­c­tion with SMILE® and a tre­at­ment option for pres­by­opic pati­ents with PRESBYOND. The ZEISS port­fo­lio crea­tes a hig­her vision stan­dard for ever­yone while enab­ling sur­ge­ons to grow their busi­ness and pro­vide broa­der choices and a via­ble solu­tion in refrac­tive sur­gery to any eli­gi­ble patient.

As the first pro­vi­der of refrac­tive tre­at­ment with mini­mally inva­sive len­ti­cule extra­c­tion, ZEISS cele­bra­tes a new mile­stone with more than 3 mil­lion trea­ted eyes with SMILE®, acce­le­ra­ting SMILE® tre­at­ment mar­ket pene­tra­tion – tog­e­ther with more than 1,100 cli­nics world­wide. ZEISS has also finis­hed enroll­ment for its mul­ti­cen­ter hyper­opia SMILE® study for CE cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and has eight sites enrol­led for the MEL 90 IDE cli­ni­cal trial in the U.S.

“In Roma­nia when we say that some­thing is »ZEISS«, it means that ever­y­thing works per­fectly! We have a long history working with ZEISS tech­no­logy and this was the foun­da­tion on which we crea­ted the PREMIUM mar­ket in my coun­try,” said Dr. And­rei Filip, MD, PhD, FEBO, cata­ract and refrac­tive sur­geon, and senior oph­thal­mo­lo­gist at Ama Optimex Eye Cli­nic in Bucha­rest, Roma­nia. “Since we added SMILE and PRESBYOND to our ZEISS port­fo­lio our busi­ness is boo­ming, and now we are able to find the right solu­tion for every patient’s life­style. This is every doctor’s dream, isn’t it?!”

A recent enhance­ment to the cor­neal refrac­tive work­flow is the ZEISS Nomo­gram Ser­vice. Nomo­grams can improve the pre­dic­ta­bi­lity in Laser Vision Cor­rec­tion, which can lead to hig­her post-ope­ra­tive uncor­rec­ted distance visual acuity (UDVA) and has a direct impact to pati­ent satis­fac­tion. The ZEISS Nomo­gram Ser­vice sup­ports the refrac­tive sur­geon in gene­ra­ting their own per­so­nal nomo­gram. The ser­vice includes coun­sel­ling about data requi­re­ments, help with data coll­ec­tion, data ana­ly­sis and ana­ly­sis debriefing.

Advan­cing dise­ase detec­tion, manage­ment and treatment

By com­bi­ning high per­for­mance OCT and Ultra-wide­field ima­ging solu­ti­ons with smart soft­ware from ZEISS in their retina work­flow, spe­cia­lists can eva­luate reti­nal con­di­ti­ons, visua­lize manage­ment pathways, enhance pre­cis­ion and com­fort during sur­gery, and use inte­gra­ted data insight to create a bet­ter fol­low-up expe­ri­ence for pati­ents. For early detec­tion and opti­miza­tion of glau­coma manage­ment, doc­tors can iden­tify glau­coma suspects early, aiding in dia­gno­sing glau­coma, and ana­ly­zing trends of dise­ase pro­gres­sion for bet­ter glau­coma manage­ment using stan­dard-of-care devices throug­hout their workflow.

When it comes to mana­ging data throug­hout the cli­ni­cal work­flow, FORUM® eye care data manage­ment was one of the first oph­thal­mic data manage­ment sys­tems on the mar­ket based on the DICOM stan­dard and has chan­ged the way small- and medium-sized prac­ti­ces, as well as hos­pi­tals and large cli­nic groups, approach dise­ase manage­ment with its inte­gra­ted data-dri­ven cli­ni­cal work­places. The future pro­duct, FORUM® Cloud Viewer, will be offe­red on a fle­xi­ble sub­scrip­tion basis, tail­o­red to the prac­tice needs. It will help doc­tors access their pati­ents’ data easily and quickly from any­where, as well as sup­port doc­tors in deli­ve­ring bet­ter pati­ent care through secure sha­ring of com­plex cases with their colleagues.

ZEISS will show­case new solu­tion enhance­ments for pro­ce­dure work­flows at the ZEISS Oph­thal­mic Vir­tual Expe­ri­ence at the ESCRS and EURETINA Spot­light on Octo­ber 1, 2020.

Brief Pro­file

Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG (ISIN: DE 0005313704), which is lis­ted on the MDAX and TecDAX of the Ger­man stock exch­ange, is one of the world’s lea­ding medi­cal tech­no­logy com­pa­nies. The Com­pany sup­plies inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted solu­ti­ons desi­gned to help doc­tors improve the qua­lity of life of their pati­ents. The Com­pany offers com­plete solu­ti­ons, inclu­ding implants and con­su­ma­bles, to dia­gnose and treat eye dise­a­ses. The Com­pany crea­tes inno­va­tive visua­liza­tion solu­ti­ons in the field of micro­sur­gery. With 3,232 employees (as of 30 Sep­tem­ber 2019) world­wide, the Group gene­ra­ted reve­nue of €1,459.3m in fis­cal year 2018/19 (as of 30 September).

The Group’s head office is loca­ted in Jena, Ger­many, and it has sub­si­dia­ries in Ger­many and abroad; more than 50 per­cent of its employees are based in the USA, Japan, Spain and France. The Cen­ter for Appli­ca­tion and Rese­arch (CARIn) in Banga­lore, India and the Carl Zeiss Inno­va­tions Cen­ter for Rese­arch and Deve­lo­p­ment in Shang­hai, China, streng­then the Company’s pre­sence in these rapidly deve­lo­ping eco­no­mies. Around 41 per­cent of Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG’s shares are in free float. The remai­ning approx. 59 per­cent are held by Carl Zeiss AG, one of the world’s lea­ding groups in the opti­cal and opto­elec­tro­nic industries.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion visit:

Cont­act for investors

Sebas­tian Frericks
Direc­tor Inves­tor Relations
Carl Zeiss Medi­tec AG
 +49 3641 220–116

Cont­act for the press

Lau­rie Ferguson
Head of Glo­bal Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Oph­thal­mic Devices
Carl Zeiss Meditec
+1 925 719 7825