Optics Meet-Up @ KOMBINAT 01

Inputs · Talks · Networking

A strong exper­tise in the design and manu­fac­tu­ring of high-end opti­cal com­pon­ents  – that’s what Jena region is famous for.
Please feel kindly invi­ted to the 4th edi­tion of a uni­que gathe­ring of lea­ding sci­en­tists and deve­lo­pers, who openly dis­cuss future chal­lenges in pho­to­nics sys­tem design. This time we look for­ward to exci­ting lec­tures on the poten­tial of nano­com­po­si­tes as mate­ri­als for opti­cal sys­tems, chal­lenges in the design and con­cep­tion of metal­enses and on defor­ma­ble phase plate, DPP – a new tech­no­logy for adap­tive optics.

We are happy to wel­come you in the Kom­bi­nat 01 / West­bahn­hofstr. 13.



Anke Sieg­meier // Opto­Net Pho­to­nics Net­work Thuringia


#1 Nano­com­po­si­tes as next gene­ra­tion opti­cal materials

Dr. Daniel Wer­de­hau­sen, Head of Visua­liza­tion & HMI // ZEISS Cor­po­rate Rese­arch & Technology

Nanos­truc­tu­red opti­cal mate­ri­als have long been inves­ti­ga­ted for their poten­tial to enable a new gene­ra­tion of ima­ging sys­tems. Howe­ver, despite deca­des of rese­arch in fields such as meta­ma­te­ri­als, metal­enses, and nano­com­po­si­tes such mate­ri­als have not yet been able to make the tran­si­tion from rese­arch into com­mer­cial ima­ging pro­ducts. In this talk, it will be dis­cus­sed how nano­com­po­si­tes can become sui­ta­ble bulk opti­cal mate­ri­als for real-world ima­ging sys­tems and it will be shown that nano­com­po­si­tes enable the design of disper­sion-engi­nee­ring mate­ri­als and could hence become one buil­ding block of next-gene­ra­tion ima­ging sys­tems. Spe­ci­fi­cally, it will be dis­cus­sed how such mate­ri­als can enable “flat optics” that are sui­ta­ble for broad­band ima­ging systems.


#2 How to design a metalens?

Domi­nik Schulz // PPE Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering

Meta-struc­tures are a novel class of opti­cal devices that can mani­pu­late light with unpre­ce­den­ted pre­cis­ion and con­trol. Howe­ver, the design and fabri­ca­tion of meta-struc­tures can be chal­len­ging, par­ti­cu­larly for less para­me­ter-sen­si­tive len­ses. This talk will pro­vide a guide to the design of more robust meta-struc­tures, inclu­ding stra­te­gies in the opti­miza­tion pro­cess for mini­mi­zing sen­si­ti­vity to sources of error. Spe­ci­fic design con­side­ra­ti­ons and tech­ni­ques, as well as future direc­tions for appli­ca­bi­lity in this rapidly evol­ving field will be discussed.


#3 Defor­ma­ble Phase Plate – a new tech­no­logy for plug-and-play adap­tive optics

Dr. Pouya Raja­ei­pour,  CTO & co-foun­der // Pha­s­e­form GmbH

Defor­ma­ble Phase Plate (DPP) is the refrac­tive coun­ter­part of defor­ma­ble mir­rors capa­ble of com­pen­sa­ting high-order opti­cal aberra­ti­ons. Simi­lar to a lens moun­ted in a con­ven­tio­nal cage, DPP can be plug­ged-in to opti­cal set­ups pro­vi­ding an easy-to-inte­grate Adap­tive Optics solution.


#4 Demons­tra­tion per­for­med by Pha­s­e­form GmbH 

In the room »Lich­ten­hain« Pha­s­e­form GmbH will show­case the Zemax model and pre­sent its func­tion­a­lity. You will see the work­flow of using it, dis­cuss what pro­blems can be sol­ved when using it and doing an exam­ple. In the second part you have the chance to see a demo setup for show­ing a DPP in action.


Open Dis­cus­sion · Net­wor­king until 10:00 pm


Boo­king Conditions

  • The event can be boo­ked imme­dia­tely. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge.
  • After your regis­tra­tion you will receive a confirmation.


We are loo­king for­ward to you – the exch­ange, the atmo­sphere and some nice drinks!


With your regis­tra­tion, you agree that your name will be included in a list of par­ti­ci­pants that is available to the other par­ti­ci­pants and co-organizers. 

You also ack­now­ledge that images and videos of the event can be shown on the web­sites and social media plat­forms of the orga­ni­zers and co-organizers.



Kom­bi­nat 01 | Cowor­king GmbH
West­bahn­hof­straße 13
07745 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


PPE Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering
Dr. Jan Werschnik

+49 (0) 163 380 42 77

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