Advan­ced Mode­ling of Micro­lens Arrays with Vir­tual­Lab Fusion

23 Novem­ber 2021
10:00 – 11:00 (CET) and
18:00 – 19:00 (CET)



In modern opti­cal sys­tems, the appli­ca­ti­ons of micro­lens arrays (MLAs) cover a broad and varied range: as the main com­po­nent in Shack-Hart­mann sen­sors or in light field came­ras, as col­li­mat­ing ele­ments for emit­ter arrays (VCSEL or diode bars) or play­ing a vital role in dif­fu­sers and homo­ge­ni­zers. These are just some of the many uses to which this type of ele­ment can be put.

The new Micro­lens Array com­po­nent in the fast phy­si­cal optics mode­ling and design soft­ware Vir­tual­Lab Fusion with its optio­nal late­ral chan­nel decom­po­si­tion tech­no­logy makes the simu­la­tion of opti­cal sys­tems con­tai­ning MLAs much more effi­ci­ent and user-fri­endly. It gives con­trol to the user, allo­wing him to inves­ti­gate the beha­vior of each micro­lens in the array inde­pendently, or of all of them tog­e­ther. At the same time, all the perks of the field tra­cing tech­no­logy that has become the signa­ture of this powerful soft­ware are still there: the dif­fe­rent mode­ling levels are the key to the con­side­ra­tion of dif­frac­tion in dif­fe­rent parts of the sys­tem. In this web­i­nar we are going to

  • Pre­sent the new Micro­lens Array com­po­nent included in Vir­tual­Lab Fusion 2021.1 Advanced.
  • Demons­trate the simu­la­tion of a Shack-Hart­mann sen­sor with Vir­tual­Lab Fusion.
  • Inves­ti­gate the pro­pa­ga­tion of light behind an MLA in detail, play with the inclu­sion of dif­frac­tion, and illus­trate the poten­tial of the late­ral chan­nel con­cept in the process.

The figure shows seve­ral simu­la­tion results of an MLA, with dif­fe­rent engi­nes, in Vir­tual­Lab Fusion.


Olga Bal­adron-Zorita
Senior Opti­cal Engineer

Olga Bal­adron-Zorita is employed as a Senior Opti­cal Engi­neer at Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal. Among other tasks, she con­ducts web­i­nars and trai­ning cour­ses based on Vir­tual­Lab Fusion.




Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH
Laura Katsch­ma­rek

+49 (0) 3641 573365–0