Illu­mi­na­tion optics • Appli­ca­tion and Theory – Course I – Under­stan­ding Light

2021 Jun 14 Mon

until July, 9 2021 | 9:00 – 12:00

Under­stan­ding Light For Illu­mi­na­tion – Under­stan­ding light for lighting

The nine-day course (9–12h each day) explains the phy­si­cally deep, mathe­ma­ti­cally beau­tiful and at the same time extre­mely useful theory of light for illu­mi­na­tion. The cen­tral con­cept is eten­due: the »size« of a light beam, and at the same time pro­ba­bly the most important and most misun­ders­tood quan­tity in illu­mi­na­tion optics. In this course, we will get to the bot­tom of what eten­due actually is, how to cal­cu­late it, and how to relate it to other light­ing quan­ti­ties such as luminance.
Prac­ti­cal exer­ci­ses and examp­les throug­hout the course show how to apply this theory. The theory is so useful because it not only shows us directly what can or can­not be done in illu­mi­na­tion optics, but also points us in the direc­tion of fea­si­ble solutions.


The course runs for three weeks, three days per week, with three hours per day.

Week 1 Mon. 14.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
(Tech­ni­cal check from 8:30 a.m.)
Wed. 16.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fri. 18.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Week 2 Mon. 21.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Wed. 23.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Thu. 24.6.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Week 3 Mon. 5.7.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Wed. 7.7.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fri. 9.7.2021
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.


The course is aimed at all engi­neers, phy­si­cists, mathe­ma­ti­ci­ans and com­pu­ter sci­en­tists who are pro­fes­sio­nally invol­ved in illu­mi­na­tion optics and would like to deve­lop a deeper under­stan­ding of it. (In illu­mi­na­tion optics, ever­y­body is a side ent­rant – there is no degree in »illu­mi­na­tion optics«). Alt­hough only basic opti­cal know­ledge and stan­dard engi­nee­ring mathe­ma­tics is assu­med, the com­pre­hen­sive and coher­ent view­point pro­vi­ded in this course will allow even expe­ri­en­ced optics desi­gners to gain new insights.


  • Under­stand the con­cept of eten­due and apply it to prac­ti­cal problems,
  • cal­cu­late eten­due even in com­plex situa­tions, using com­mer­ci­ally available ray tra­cing software,
  • see and under­stand the con­nec­tions bet­ween lumi­nous flux, lumi­nous inten­sity, illu­mi­nance and luminance,
  • cal­cu­late the lumi­nance of com­mer­ci­ally available LEDs from data sheet infor­ma­tion and use it in opti­cal design,
  • use lumi­nance, lumi­nous flux and eten­due to assess the fea­si­bi­lity of an illu­mi­na­tion optics pro­blem and to find pro­mi­sing design approaches.


Phy­si­cist Julius Muscha­weck has been invol­ved in opti­cal design for light­ing for over twenty years. After spen­ding time as a Visi­ting Scho­lar at the Uni­ver­sity of Chi­cago with Prof. Roland Win­s­ton (known as the foun­der of Noni­ma­ging Optics), he co-foun­ded and was CEO of OEC, an opti­cal engi­nee­ring ser­vice com­pany that pio­nee­red free­form optics. At OSRAM, where he later held the posi­tion of Senior Prin­ci­pal Key Expert, he coor­di­na­ted over 100 OSRAM opti­cal desi­gners world­wide. He then moved to ARRI, the lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of film came­ras and light­ing, as Prin­ci­pal Opti­cal Sci­en­tist. Julius Muscha­weck curr­ently works as an inde­pen­dent con­sul­tant offe­ring light­ing optics solu­ti­ons to indus­trial cli­ents. He is the aut­hor of over 25 sci­en­ti­fic publications.


  • The course takes place online via the Zoom plat­form. Please use a com­pu­ter with web­cam and headset.
  • Par­ti­ci­pants do not need their own optics soft­ware, Light­Tools will be used to illus­trate some con­cepts and ideas.
  • A cal­cu­la­tor is suf­fi­ci­ent for the exer­ci­ses. Spreadsheet soft­ware such as Excel, or Mat­lab or Python would be helpful.
  • A down­load link for the course mate­ri­als will be sent well in advance. On the first day, the ses­sion will start as early as 8:30 am with a tech­no­logy check.
  • The course will not be recor­ded and may not be recor­ded by the participants.



  • The event can be boo­ked now, there is a maxi­mum of 12 places available.
  • The regu­lar par­ti­ci­pa­tion fee is 1,600 EUR. For mem­bers of Opto­Net and our part­ner net­works we charge 1.400 EUR. Mem­bers of Opto­Net e.V. will be given pre­fe­rence in booking.
  • After receipt of your regis­tra­tion you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion of registration.
  • Can­cel­la­tion con­di­ti­ons: Can­cel­la­ti­ons can only be accepted in writ­ten form. Free of charge until 14.5.2021, after that the full par­ti­ci­pant fee must be paid. We will gladly accept a sub­sti­tute participant.
  • We reserve the right to can­cel the event at short notice if the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants is too low.


By sub­mit­ting this regis­tra­tion form you agree that your name will be included in a list of par­ti­ci­pants which will be available to the other participants.


Event Type



Opto­Net e.V.
Nora Kirs­ten

+49 3641 327 92 92

Book this Event

Boo­kings are no lon­ger pos­si­ble for this event.