Con­fe­rence · Jena LIGHT – Pho­to­nics meets AI

2024 Sep 3 Di

bis 6. Sep­tem­ber 2024 | ganztägig

Being Europe’s city of light, Jena has been pushing the fron­tiers of pho­to­nics for more than a cen­tury. Recently, the poten­tial of pho­to­nic sys­tems to create the fas­test and most energy effi­ci­ent arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) plat­forms has been reco­gni­zed. The­r­e­fore, the experts of pho­to­nics and AI tech­no­logy will gather to exch­ange their view on the future of this emer­ging field in rese­arch and appli­ca­ti­ons in an inter­di­sci­pli­nary con­fe­rence in Jena.

The con­fe­rence »Jena LIGHT – Pho­to­nics meets AI« takes place on 3–6 Sep­tem­ber 2024, hos­ted by the Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics at the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena, Germany.

Details and Booking »



Abbe Cen­ter of Photonics
Albert-Ein­stein-Straße 6
07745 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena
Prof. Dr. Tho­mas Pertsch
