HUAWEI · Opti­cal Inno­va­tion Sum­mit Meta-Optics

Hua­wei in Jena is hos­ting an inno­va­tion work­shop with renow­ned Euro­pean and local spea­k­ers on the topic of meta-optics. Regis­ter to attend online today or inquire about atten­ding on-site.

The Inno­va­tion Sum­mit on Meta-Optics: Fun­da­men­tals, Design, and Appli­ca­ti­ons focu­ses on the emer­ging field of Meta-Optics and its appli­ca­tion in various cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gies such as wave­length sel­ec­tive swit­ches (WWS), head-up dis­plays (HUD), and advan­ced head­lamp sys­tems. This sum­mit aims to bring tog­e­ther rese­ar­chers, engi­neers, and indus­try experts to explore the latest advance­ments in Meta-Optics, inclu­ding meta­ma­te­ri­als, meta­sur­faces, and metadevices.

Atten­dees will gain insights into the design prin­ci­ples and opti­miza­tion tech­ni­ques for achie­ving supe­rior performance.

Through enga­ging oral pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and pos­ters ses­si­ons, par­ti­ci­pants will have the oppor­tu­nity to exch­ange ideas, share their rese­arch fin­dings, and explore poten­tial col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons in the realm of Meta-Optics.

This sum­mit aims to fos­ter inno­va­tion, acce­le­rate tech­no­lo­gi­cal advance­ments, and pave the way for the future deve­lo­p­ment and wide­spread adop­tion of Meta-Optics in the afo­re­men­tio­ned applications.


Down­load pro­gram


Cos­tan­tino de AngelisUni­ver­sity of BresciaPro­fes­sor
Tho­mas PertschFSU JenaPro­fes­sor
Chris­tian HelkeFraun­ho­fer ENASGrou­p­lea­der Lithography
Simon Thi­baultUni­ver­sity of Laval, CanadaPro­fes­sor
Jan Wer­sch­nik / Domi­nik SchulzPho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion EngineeringCEO / Engineer
Frank Wyrow­skiLight­Trans / Wyrow­ski PhotonicsPre­si­dent
Tho­mas AchleitnerEV GroupBusi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment Manager
Claas Fall­dorfBIASGroup Lea­der Coher­ent Optics & Nano Photonics
Bavo Rob­benPlan­OP­SimExpert


The tech­ni­cal pro­gram will be top­ped by an

EXECUTIVE FORUM ∙ Opti­cal Inno­va­tion Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Thuringia
26 Sep­tem­ber | 5 pm – 6 pm | exclu­si­vely onsite


Lea­ding entre­pre­neurs and experts will dis­cuss why the region of Jena is one of the most dense and suc­cessful in high tech world­wide. Hos­ted by Opto­Net the panel will share their per­spec­ti­ves and roles within the inno­va­tion and busi­ness eco­sys­tem and give a future outlook:

Dr. Chris­tian Hel­gert ∙ Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics | Ste­fan Götz ∙ pie­zo­sys­tem Jena | Dr. Knuth Baum­gär­tel ∙ Micro-Hybrid elec­tro­nic | Sven Kiontke ∙ aspher­icon | Dr. Falk Eilen­ber­ger ∙ Insti­tute of Applied Phy­sics Jena | Exe­cu­tive Repre­sen­ta­tive of Huawei



Andrés Ber­nardo Borrmann
Team Assistant
Mobile: +49 157 83 03 64 62
Email:    moc.iewauh@nnamrrob.odranreb.serdna


Keine Kate­go­rien


SCALA Sky Conference
Leu­tra­gra­ben 1
07743 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


Andrés Ber­nardo Borrmann

+49 157 83 03 64 62

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