HUAWEI · Opti­cal Inno­va­tion Summit

New to Jena, Hua­wei is hos­ting an inno­va­tion work­shop with renown Euro­pean and local spea­k­ers on the topics of opti­cal design inno­va­tion. Topics cover auto­mo­tive illu­mi­na­tion, AR, Head-up-Dis­plays, machine lear­ning for opti­cal design and nano­ma­te­ri­als. Sign up today to par­ti­ci­pate online or inquire regar­ding a par­ti­ci­pa­tion onsite.



9:00 Intro­duc­tion to Hua­wei Rese­arch in Ger­many and Jena
Yang Xi › Hua­wei Technologies

9:15 Over­view of Fraun­ho­fer IOF opti­cal inno­va­tion activities
Ste­fan Nolte › Fraun­ho­fer IOF

9:45 Auto­mo­tive light­ing rese­arch roadmap
Fer­nando Munoz › Hua­wei Technologies

10:00 Advan­ced micro­op­tics for auto­mo­tive lighting
Rein­hard Voel­kel › SUSS Microoptics

10:30 cof­fee break

11:00 3D prin­ting of advan­ced microoptics
Mar­tin Her­mat­sch­wei­ler › Nanoscribe

11:30 Magic Leap 2: An advan­ced AR plat­form with revo­lu­tio­nary optics
Kris­tina Uhlen­dorf › Magic Leap

12:00 Desig­ning free­forms using dif­fe­ren­tia­ble ray tra­cing and neu­ral net­works for illu­mi­na­tion applications
Alex Heemels › TU Delft

12:30 lunch

14:00 Rese­arch on aug­men­ted rea­lity head up displays
Aure­lian Dodoc › Hua­wei Technologies

14:15 The Euro­pean opti­cal design and indus­try eco­sys­tem in con­text of new glo­bal challenges
Jérémy Picot-Clé­mente › EPIC

14:45 Machine Lear­ning for Opti­cal Design Problems
Wolf­gang Heid­rich › KAUST Visual Com­pu­ting Center

15:15 Micro- and nanos­truc­tu­red opti­cal ele­ments for inno­va­tive opti­cal systems
Ste­fan Sin­zin­ger › TU Ilmenau

15:45 cof­fee break

16:00 Roll-Nano­im­print Fabri­ca­tion of Opti­cal Films, Sheets and Glasses
Oli­ver Hum­bach › Temi­con Dortmund

16:30 Com­pu­ting The Opti­cal Response Of Pho­to­nic Mate­ri­als: From Nano To Device Scales 
Ivan Fer­nan­dez-Cor­ba­ton › KIT Karlsruhe

17:00 3D tail­o­red dis­or­der for struc­tu­ral color, light trap­ping and light localization
Alex­an­der Yu. Petrov › Ham­burg University

17:30 Cau­st­ics and wave­front cur­vat­ure ana­ly­sis for eva­lua­tion and design of multifocality
Ser­gio Bar­bero Brio­nes › Con­sejo Supe­rior de Inves­ti­ga­cio­nes Científicas



Andrés Ber­nardo Borrmann
Team Assistant
Mobile: +49 15783036462
Email:    moc.iewauh@nnamrrob.odranreb.serdna


Keine Kate­go­rien


SCALA Sky Conference
Leu­tra­gra­ben 1
07743 Jena

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Andrés Ber­nardo Borrmann

+49 15783036462

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