Mode­ling Crys­tals & Aniso­tro­pic Media with Vir­tual­Lab Fusion


The very cha­rac­te­ristic pro­per­ties of aniso­tro­pic media make them a fun­da­men­tal part of many opti­cal sys­tems, par­ti­cu­larly in terms of pola­riza­tion con­trol of the pro­pa­ga­ting light. Being able to model crys­tals and aniso­tro­pic com­pon­ents accu­ra­tely, not just as stan­da­lone ele­ments, but espe­ci­ally as one piece of a lar­ger, more com­plex sys­tem, is then of evi­dent inte­rest across a broad range of fields of application.

That is just what the fast phy­si­cal optics mode­ling and design soft­ware Vir­tual­Lab Fusion can pro­vide: with its con­sis­tent tre­at­ment of light as a fully fled­ged elec­tro­ma­gne­tic field, its flag­ship “con­nec­ting elec­tro­ma­gne­tic field sol­vers” tech­no­logy, and the new sol­ver for crys­tals and aniso­tro­pic media that saw the light in our release ear­lier this year of ver­sion 2021.1, you have all you need to model your opti­cal sys­tems with crys­tals. This enables kee­ping track of all facets of pola­riza­tion effects in the sys­tem, whe­ther they stem from the aniso­tropy of the crys­tal or other phe­no­mena in the sys­tem. Join us in this web­i­nar if you want to hear more about:

  • The demons­tra­tion of well-known effects of uni- and biaxial crys­tals (like biref­rin­gence and coni­cal refraction)
  • The gene­ra­tion of opti­cal vor­ti­ces through pro­pag­ar­tion of light in a uniaxial crystal
  • The use of biref­rin­gent media in a mul­ti­layer reflec­tive pola­ri­zer for appli­ca­tion in LCDs


Olga Bal­adron-Zorita
Senior Opti­cal Engineer

Olga Bal­adron-Zorita is employed as a Senior Opti­cal Engi­neer at Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal. Among other tasks, she con­ducts web­i­nars and trai­ning cour­ses based on Vir­tual­Lab Fusion.


This web­i­nar is offe­red seve­ral times. Sel­ect the date and time that works best for you.

21 Octo­ber 2021
10:00 – 11:00 (CEST)
18:00 – 19:00 (CEST)

please regis­ter here




Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH
Laura Katsch­ma­rek
