OpTecBB · Pho­to­nics for Medi­cal Appli­ca­ti­ons: Dermatology

In the frame­work of our focus area “Bio­pho­to­nics and Oph­thal­mo­logy” in coope­ra­tion with our inter­na­tio­nal part­ners from sec­pho (Spain) and Pho­to­nics NL (The Net­her­lands) OpTecBB orga­ni­zed this online-ses­sion with focus on dif­fe­rent pho­to­nics appli­ca­ti­ons alre­ady used in dermatology.

We review cur­rent trends and recent deve­lo­p­ments in this field.


Appli­ca­tion of opti­cal methods for the deter­mi­na­tion of anti­oxi­dants in tissue
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Jür­gen Lade­mann | Cha­rité – Depart­ment of Der­ma­to­logy, Vene­reo­logy and Allergology

MDSI – Medi­cal Sepc­tral Ima­ging in the ope­ra­ting theatre
Dr. Axel Kulcke | Dia­spec­tive Vision GmbH

“Laser to skin”- trends in laser based solu­ti­ons for dermatology.
Elad Vol­fin | Monocrom

Dia­gno­sis of Skin Can­cer using Optics
Merit­xell Vil­aseca Ricart | Cen­ter for Sen­sors, Instru­ments and Sys­tems Deve­lo­p­ment (CD6); Uni­ver­si­tat Poli­tèc­nica de Cata­lu­nya (UPC)

Impro­ving Elec­tro Opti­cal Test­ing Automation
Omer Nachon & Assaf Yar­den | Test­view – Test Sys­tem Integration

N.N. | Quest Inno­va­tions BV


The mee­ting will be held on the ZOOM plat­form. Please regis­ter until 31st of May fol­lo­wing the regis­tra­tion but­ton on the right-hand side. After regis­tering you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion by e‑mail. This e‑mail does not include the regis­tra­tion link to the ZOOM mee­ting room. NOTICE: The invi­ta­tion to the ZOOM mee­ting will be send in a seprate e‑mail 1–2 days before the mee­ting starts!






OptecBB e.V.
Dr. Frank Lerch

+49 30 6392 1720