Optics Meet-Up @ KOMBINAT 01
Inputs · Talks · Networking
A strong expertise in the design and manufacturing of high-end optical components – that’s what Jena region is famous for.
Please feel kindly invited to the 5th edition of a unique gathering of leading scientists and developers. This time we look forward to exciting lectures having a look on 25 years of EUV multilayer optics developed in Jena, inputs on how to start a company and insights into the new concept and realization of the Deutsches Optisches Museum (D.O.M.)
We are happy to welcome you at the Kombinat 01 / Westbahnhofstr. 13.
Anke Siegmeier // OptoNet Photonics Network Thuringia
#1 Twentyfive years of EUV multilayer optics development in Jena
Dr. Torsten Feigl – CEO optiX fab GmbH
Twentyfive years ago, Fraunhofer IOF started the very first project on EUV multilayer development. Torsten Feigl summarizes highlights of this exciting journey from the first still low reflecting multilayer coating made in 1998 to today’s 15 million Euro investment in optiX fab’s EUV optics fab.
#2 How to start a company?
Carolin Münzberg – Co-founder & managing director Photonics Precision Engineering GmbH
The idea of leaving your current job and starting your own business has crossed almost everyone’s mind. But what do you do once you have decided to go into business for yourself? In this talk, Carolin Münzberg, co founder of PPE GmbH, will take you through the key steps in setting up your own business and share her personal experience.
#3 Deutsches Optisches Museum (D.O.M.)- concept and realization
Prof. Dr. Ing. Timo Mappes – Director Deutsches Optisches Museum
In 2026 D.O.M. will open as a novel site to experience optics interactively. It will exhibit many historic objects to be used by the visitors. Each field is linked to latest research and industrial use in optics and photonics. The iconic building will serve as touristic attraction point for modern Thuringia. This talk will provide a first insight.
Open Discussion · Networking until 10:00 pm
Booking Conditions
- The event can be booked immediately. Participation is free of charge.
- After your registration you will receive a confirmation.
We are looking forward to you – the exchange, the atmosphere and some nice drinks!
With your registration, you agree that your name will be included in a list of participants that is available to the other participants and co-organizers.
You also acknowledge that images and videos of the event can be shown on the websites and social media platforms of the organizers and co-organizers.
Kombinat 01 | Coworking GmbH
Westbahnhofstraße 13
07745 Jena
PPE Photonics Precision Engineering
Dr. Jan Werschnik
+49 (0) 163 380 42 77
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