SIOS WEB-Semi­nar • How to mea­sure the invisible

SIOS WEB-Semi­nar • How to mea­sure the invi­si­ble WITH THe Most Accu­rate MEa­su­re­ment Systems

30 Sep­tem­ber 2021, 8.30 am CEST and 3.30 pm CEST • two iden­ti­cal web-semi­nars • time to choose accor­ding to your loca­tion • approx. 45 minu­tes each

Today’s tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments fol­low a com­mon trend in many manu­fac­tu­ring indus­tries: Pro­ducts are beco­ming more com­plex and powerful, the demands on manu­fac­tu­ring qua­lity are con­stantly incre­asing, while com­pon­ents and object struc­tures are beco­ming smal­ler and more compact.

In turn, the incre­asing indus­trial use of micro- and nano­tech­no­lo­gi­cal objects leads to ever hig­her demands on the mea­su­re­ment tech­no­logy used in manu­fac­tu­ring, veri­fi­ca­tion and posi­tio­ning. The tasks are rea­li­zed on objects that are get­ting lar­ger and lar­ger, so that a link bet­ween the macro- and nano-worlds has to be made.

Nano­me­tro­logy is not only of great inte­rest to the rese­arch or semi­con­duc­tor indus­try, as a dri­ver of the trend, it has long since found its way into areas such as nanoelec­tro­nics, micro­op­tics, gene­tic engi­nee­ring, mole­cu­lar bio­logy, mate­ri­als rese­arch and many more.

In the appro­xi­m­ately 45-minute web­i­nar, you will learn how to mea­sure the invi­si­ble with the most accu­rate mea­su­re­ment sys­tems available from SIOS.

Your experts Dr. Denis Dontsov and his col­le­agues will pro­vide infor­ma­tion on the fol­lo­wing main topics:


  • ultra-sta­ble high-reso­lu­tion laser interferometers
  • the basics of nanopositioning
  • appli­ca­tion of nano­po­si­tio­ning and nano­me­a­su­ring machine


The topic is rele­vant for mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ci­ans, engi­neers, desi­gners, qua­lity mana­gers, pro­ject mana­gers and scientists.

Tar­get indus­tries: metro­logy, nano­po­si­tio­ning, coor­di­nate metro­logy, optics indus­try, pre­cis­ion instru­men­ta­tion, rese­arch and development

The Web-Semi­nar will be held in Eng­lish lan­guage via Click­Mee­ting and is free of charge.

Please regis­ter at the SIOS event page






SIOS Mess­tech­nik GmbH
Ilka Oer­tel

+49 3677 6447 35