SPIE • Medi­cal Imaging

2021 Feb 14 So

bis 18. Februar 2021 | ganztägig

The SPIE Medi­cal Ima­ging mee­ting is the inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed pre­mier forum for report­ing state-of-the-art rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in medi­cal ima­ging. The event focu­ses on the latest inno­va­tions found in under­ly­ing fun­da­men­tal sci­en­ti­fic prin­ci­ples, to tech­no­logy deve­lo­p­ments, sci­en­ti­fic eva­lua­tion, and cli­ni­cal appli­ca­tion. The sym­po­sium covers the full range of medi­cal ima­ging moda­li­ties focu­sing on image acqui­si­tion, dis­play, pro­ces­sing, ana­ly­sis, per­cep­tion, decis­ion sup­port, and infor­ma­tics. The con­fe­rence where infor­ma­tion is shared by lea­ding rese­ar­chers in image pro­ces­sing, phy­sics, com­pu­ter-aided dia­gno­sis, per­cep­tion, image-gui­ded pro­ce­du­res, bio­me­di­cal appli­ca­ti­ons, ultra­sound, infor­ma­tics, radio­logy and digi­tal patho­logy. This also includes an increased focus on fast emer­ging areas like Deep Lear­ning, AI, Machine Lear­ning, and infor­ma­tion fusion.

For more infor­ma­ti­ons click here.



Town and Coun­try Resort and Con­ven­tion Center
500 Hotel Cir­cle North
CA 92108 San Diego
Ver­ei­nigte Staaten

In Google Maps suchen


SPIE Sales

+1 360 676 3290