Vir­tual­Lab · Dif­frac­tive Beam Split­ter & Light Diffuser

Vir­tual­Lab Fusion Appli­ca­ti­ons, Tech­no­logy & Workflows

Date: 27 Febru­ary 2024

Time slots:
10:00 – 11:00 (CET)
18:00 – 19:00 (CET)


One of Vir­tual­Lab Fusion’s strengths has always been, from its incep­tion twenty-five years ago this year, its capa­city for the mode­ling, simu­la­tion, design and opti­miza­tion of dif­frac­tive struc­tures. But in the inter­vening quar­ter of a cen­tury it has become much more than that: through its revo­lu­tio­nary approach of offe­ring a cata­log of mul­ti­ple inter­ope­ra­ble mode­ling tech­ni­ques on a sin­gle soft­ware plat­form, Vir­tual­Lab Fusion allows its users to navi­gate the ever-rele­vant com­pro­mise bet­ween accu­racy and speed with full fle­xi­bi­lity and con­trol. With Vir­tual­Lab Fusion, your simu­la­ti­ons of com­plex opti­cal sys­tems con­tai­ning all man­ner of com­pon­ents can be as accu­rate as nee­ded, and as fast as possible!

With this web­i­nar we go back to our roots and put the focus on dif­frac­tive opti­cal ele­ments (DOEs), but wit­hout for­get­ting how far we have come: we place DOE mode­ling and design in the con­text of modern Vir­tual­Lab Fusion tech­no­logy as one type of opti­cal com­po­nent which can be com­bi­ned with many others to create a com­plex sys­tem. A hel­pful tool in this con­text is the ite­ra­tive Fou­rier trans­form algo­rithm (IFTA), which allows for the design of dif­frac­tive beam split­ters, light dif­fu­sers, and beam shapers. In this web­i­nar we show two sce­na­rios where we demons­trate the design, mode­ling, and ana­ly­sis of dif­frac­tive opti­cal ele­ments (DOEs), inclu­ding full sys­tem simulation.

  1. The first exam­ple will be a beam-split­ting appli­ca­tion for the gene­ra­tion of a light mark with focu­sed spots.
  2. The second exam­ple will be a light-dif­fu­sing appli­ca­tion for the gene­ra­tion of the Light­Trans logo high on the façade of a building.

For the examp­les in this web­i­nar we put the IFTA design and ana­ly­sis pro­cess in the con­text of our state-of-the-art engine, to bene­fit from the advan­ta­ges of our latest tech­no­logy in the sys­tem simu­la­tion. See for yours­elf – regis­ter for the web­i­nar below!


Hart­wig Crailsheim
Senior Opti­cal Engineer

Hart­wig Crails­heim is employed as a Senior Opti­cal Engi­neer at Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal. Among other tasks, he con­ducts web­i­nars and trai­ning cour­ses based on Vir­tual­Lab Fusion.





Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH
Alex­an­der Wallmann
