Vir­tual­Lab Fusion Web­i­nar • Simu­la­tion of Inter­fe­ro­me­tric Setups

Inter­fe­ro­me­try as a disci­pline pro­ves useful in a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons, and inter­fe­ro­me­tric set­ups can just as easily be found in the labo­ra­to­ries of edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons for the demons­tra­tion of fun­da­men­tal phy­si­cal effects to bud­ding stu­dents, as in cut­ting-edge indus­trial sys­tems for many dif­fe­rent pur­po­ses, like sur­face qua­lity cha­rac­te­riza­tion and sens­ing, among others. And that is not to men­tion the medi­cal and bio­lo­gi­cal fields, where inter­fe­ro­me­try forms the basis for mul­ti­ple non-inva­sive dia­gno­stic tools.

In this web­i­nar we will demons­trate the simu­la­tion of a series of inter­fe­ro­me­tric set­ups in the fast phy­si­cal optics mode­ling and design soft­ware Vir­tual­Lab Fusion, and illus­trate some of the fea­tures which make Vir­tual­Lab Fusion a par­ti­cu­larly user-fri­endly and effi­ci­ent simu­la­tion tool for a wide range of interferometers.

Some of the examp­les you can expect to see are:

  • Fizeau Inter­fe­ro­me­ter for Opti­cal Testing
  • Col­li­ma­tion Test­ing with Shea­ring Interferometry
  • White-Light Michel­son Interferometer
  • Gene­ra­tion of Spa­ti­ally Vary­ing Pola­riza­tion by Inter­fe­rence with Pola­ri­zed Light

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Light­Trans Inter­na­tio­nal UG
