World Interferometry Day
We celebrate the World Interferometer Day to commemorate the seminal birth of the interferometer in general and the Michelson interferometer in particular.
In the early days of April 1881, 140 years ago, Albert Abraham Michelson successfully made his measurements of the relative motion of the Earth with respect to the light ether using his now world-famous interferometer setup. Since then, the interferometer has truly triumphed in science and technology.
As simple as the principle of this interferometer was, as ingenious was its invention, which thus became practically synonymous with high-precision measurement technology. Today, the applications of interferometers range from nano and precision technologies to the exploration of space and the mysteries of gravitational waves. They embody, more than any other technology, the art of measuring extraordinarily minute quantities and effects. Pushing technology to its limits and challenging it to ever new heights – that is the credo of modern laser interferometer technology.
World Interferometer Day is intended to raise the visibility of a unique technology that, like no other, has been able to open up new perspectives of knowledge and continues to prove this today. It should also be seen as a call to strengthen scientific and economic cooperation, and to use its potential to promote sustainable development worldwide.
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Technische Universität Ilmenau
Max-Planck-Ring 14
98693 Ilmenau
SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH
Dr. Denis Dontsov