News › Free of charge for com­pa­nies · Opto­Net sup­ports the intern­ship week

Opto­Net sup­ports intern­ship week +++ Pho­to­nics play­ers in Jena and the Saale-Holz­land dis­trict can par­ti­ci­pate free of charge and use the for­mat to sup­port the search for young talent

Daniela Drilltzsch from Jena­Wirt­schaft coor­di­na­tes the acti­vi­ties around the intern­ship week | Photo: JenaWirtschaft

After the suc­cessful pre­miere last sum­mer, the Jena Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment Agency, Opto­Net e.V. and other part­ners invite all Jena com­pa­nies to par­ti­ci­pate in the next edi­tion of Intern­ship Week Jena.

During the Eas­ter vaca­ti­ons, com­pa­nies can pre­sent them­sel­ves and their pro­fes­sio­nal offers to inte­res­ted young peo­ple aged 15 and older directly in the com­pany and thus get to know poten­tial future trainees.

Our mem­ber com­pa­nies and insti­tu­tes offer great future oppor­tu­ni­ties – many don’t even know that. That’s why we think it’s exci­ting for stu­dents to get to know pro­fes­si­ons and com­pa­nies during the intern­ship week that they may not have even con­side­red before.

Regis­ter here & participate



If you would like to learn more about the con­cept or still have ques­ti­ons – we will be pre­sen­ting the intern­ship week at the 1st Opto­Net HR Café on March 15, 2022.