News › Opto­Net is gro­wing – We wel­come 6 new members

The pho­to­nics net­work Opto­Net e.V. con­ti­nues to grow.
As of August 21, 2024, we wel­come six new mem­bers to our net­work and look for­ward to a good coope­ra­tion.
Who are the new play­ers and how can they enrich the network? 

  • The Bochum-based start-up Ray­Ven has deve­lo­ped a ground­brea­king ultra-fast laser that emits at a wave­length of 2.1 µm.
    This laser has the poten­tial to revo­lu­tio­nize mate­rial pro­ces­sing (poly­mers, semiconductors). 
  • K‑Optics from Israel is a sub­si­diary of Kilim Pla­s­tics, a family-owned engi­nee­ring com­pany foun­ded in 1985, which is enga­ged in the pro­duc­tion of opti­cal injec­tion molded parts for indus­trial use.K‑OPTICS has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the field of injec­tion molded pla­s­tics in com­bi­na­tion with optics, which has led to the deve­lo­p­ment of high-qua­lity expe­ri­ment sets for use in the edu­ca­tio­nal sector.
  • The UX2B GmbH inves­ti­ga­tes, con­cei­ves, designs and deve­lops user expe­ri­en­ces and user inter­faces to digi­tize usage sce­na­rios and create enjoya­ble user experiences.
  • As the second lar­gest trade fair venue in the new fede­ral sta­tes, the Messe Erfurt GmbH has estab­lished its­elf as a forum for com­pa­nies and con­su­mers in the cen­ter of Ger­many. The plan­ned Quan­tum Pho­to­nics, which will take place for the first time in May 2025, will open up new poten­tial for posi­tio­ning our indus­try as a high-tech location.
  • Ronny Els­ner is com­mit­ted to pro­mo­ting STEM edu­ca­tion in East Thu­rin­gia with a wide range of pro­grams and has crea­ted MINT Gera a place for immersive family experiences.
  • The ERA Group sup­ports com­pa­nies in the fields of mate­rial cost opti­miza­tion, IT & digi­ta­liza­tion, raw mate­ri­als purcha­sing & glo­bal sourcing, tax opti­miza­tion and sustainability.
    Peter Krüll is a part­ner in Wei­mar and con­tri­bu­tes his net­work of experts to our clus­ter work.