Opto­Net Work­shop · Ultra Pre­cis­ion Manu­fac­tu­ring of Asphe­res and Freeforms

2024 Sep 17 Di

bis 18. Sep­tem­ber 2024 | ganztägig


It’s time to meet again: We are loo­king for­ward to the 11th edi­tion of the Opto­Net work­shop ›Ultra Pre­cis­ion Manu­fac­tu­ring of Asphe­res and Free­forms‹. Meet the com­mu­nity and find out about the latest tech­no­lo­gies and developments. 

NEW Fraun­ho­fer IOF and Opto­Net e.V. are happy to pro­vide exten­ded space for exhi­bi­tors and more oppor­tu­ni­ties for busi­ness and networking.

In 2024 we will focus on

  • Free­form Optics in ground-based astronomy
  • Free­form Optics in Space Applications
  • Free­form Sys­tems and Appli­ca­ti­ons and
  • Manu­fac­tu­ring and Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of Free­form Surfaces

We look for­ward to see­ing fami­liar and new col­le­agues, to exci­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and inte­res­t­ing exhibitors.



TUESDAY, Sep­tem­ber 17

8:30 – 11:00 Exhi­bi­tors (Booth set up)

11:00 Registration & Wel­come snack

12:00 Wel­come note
Anke Sieg­meier › Opto­Net, Germany


12:10 – 13:20 Part I · Free­form Optics: From Design to Systems

Tole­ran­cing of Opti­cal Sys­tems with Real Free­form Surfaces
Her­bert Gross › Fraun­ho­fer IOF, Jena, Germany

Cen­tra­tion and ali­gnment con­side­ra­ti­ons for asphe­res and freeforms
Jes­sica DeGroote Nel­son › Edmund Optics, Bar­ring­ton, USA

Free­form Sur­faces in Spec­tro­me­ter Systems
Tho­mas Peschel › Fraun­ho­fer IOF, Jena, Germany


13:30 – 14:20 Exhi­bi­tor Ses­sion I

#1 Moore Nano­tech­no­logy Sys­tems LLC · Gavin Chapman

#2 Schnei­der GmbH & Co. KG · Frank Niehaus

#3 AMETEK GmbH, BU Pre­ci­tech · Andreas Kuchler

#4 Dutch United Instru­ments · Jing Zou

#5 DIOPTIC GmbH · Chris­tin Proß


14:20 Exhi­bi­tion & Cof­fee Break

15:10 – 16:20 Part II · Free­form Optics in ground-based astronomy

The Extre­mely Large Telescope – the worlds big­gest eye on the sky –  shar­per views of cos­mic objects than ever before
Flo­rian Ker­ber › Euro­pean Sou­thern Obser­va­tory, Gar­ching, Germany

Deve­lo­p­ment of Opti­cal Sys­tems for the Cold Optic Instru­ment of MICADO
Jan Kinast › Fraun­ho­fer IOF, Jena, Germany

The METIS IMAGER: from opti­cal design to final opto-mecha­ni­cal design and manufacturing
María Con­cep­ción Cár­de­nas Váz­quez › Max-Planck-Insti­tut für Astro­no­mie, Hei­del­berg, Germany


16:20  Exhi­bi­tion & Cof­fee Break

19:00 Evening event

address:  SCALA// Leu­tra­gra­ben 1 // Jena.

The evening event is kindly sup­ported by Zeiss and Qioptiq.


Wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 18

8:30 Registration


9:00 – 10:20 Part III · Free­form Optics in Space Applications

Extreme Space Telescope Design, Fabri­ca­tion, and Testing
Kim Dae­wook › Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona, USA

Ultra Pre­cise Manu­fac­tu­ring of Mir­rors for Space Instruments
Bart van Ven­rooy › TNO, Delf, The Netherlands

Small Sat Appli­ca­ti­ons using Free Form Mirrors
Sebas­tian Fray › OHB Sys­tem AG, Bre­men, Germany


10:20 Exhi­bi­tion & Cof­fee Break

10:50 – 11:40 Exhi­bi­tor Ses­sion II

#1 Inno­lite GmbH · Chris­tian Wenzel

#2 Büh­ler Alzenau GmbH · Chris­tian Schindler

#3 Micro-LAM · Rai­tis Madnis

#4 Opto­Tech Optik­ma­schi­nen GmbH · Mat­thias Pfaff

#5 Pana­so­nic Con­nect Europe GmbH · Rein­hard Windemuth


11:40 Exhi­bi­tion & Lunch Break

12:30 – 13:40 Part IV · Free­form Optics: Manu­fac­tu­ring and Characterization

Deve­lo­p­ment Chal­lenges of Ion Beam Figuring
Lynn Allen › Arling Con­sul­ting, Fair­port, NY USA

Manu­fac­tu­ring and cha­rac­te­riza­tion of an ellip­ti­cal EUV coll­ec­tor mir­ror for high-power EUV LPP sources
Tors­ten Feigl › optiX fab GmbH, Jena, Germany


13:40 Wrap up and Closure
Anke Sieg­meier › Opto­Net, Germany


13:45 Exhi­bi­tion & Snacks & Coffee


Take the oppor­tu­nity to pre­sent your latest tech­no­lo­gies to the work­shop audi­ence. This time, the exhi­bi­tion will be loca­ted in the con­fe­rence area of the Fraun­ho­fer IOF, where all cof­fee and lunch breaks will take place and where we can pro­vide exhi­bi­tors with signi­fi­cantly more space.

Exhi­bi­tor boo­kings are now open!

An Exhi­bi­tor Ticket includes:

  • 6 sqm in the exten­ded exhi­bi­tion area at the Fraun­ho­fer IOF
  • a regu­lar par­ti­ci­pant ticket (incl. Evening reception)
  • NEW Oppor­tu­nity of a 10-minute pre­sen­ta­tion in one of two exhi­bi­tor ses­si­ons in the main work­shop program
  • 1 table (70x140), 2 chairs
  • elec­tri­city & WiFi
  • Please book a regu­lar par­ti­ci­pant ticket for addi­tio­nal booth staff.

Exhi­bi­tors alre­ady regis­tered 2024: AMETEK GmbH, BU Pre­ci­tech · Büh­ler Alzenau GmbH · DIOPTIC GmbH · Dutch United Instru­ments · Inno­lite GmbH · Micro-LAM · Moore Nano­tech­no­logy Sys­tems LLC · Opto­Tech Optik­ma­schi­nen GmbH · Pana­so­nic Con­nect Europe GmbH · Phy­sik Instru­mente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG · Schnei­der GmbH & Co. KG

Evening Recep­tion🍷

With a breath­ta­king view, fine food and drinks, we wel­come you to our evening recep­tion at the SCALA Sky Con­fe­rence in the city cen­ter of Jena. With the pho­to­nics para­dise of Jena at your feet, you have the per­fect set­ting for fur­ther dis­cus­sions and networking.

PAYMENT & Can­cel­la­tion Policy

After your regis­tra­tion you will receive a bin­ding con­fir­ma­tion of par­ti­ci­pa­tion by email. If you have spe­cial requi­re­ments for your accoun­ting (e.g. order num­bers or adres­ses), please send us an email within the next 5 days. For any ques­tion don’t hesi­tate to cont­act us.

Please let us know asap about can­cel­la­ti­ons. Regis­tra­tion fees will not be refun­ded after August 17, 2024.


The work­shop takes place at the Beu­ten­berg Cam­pus Jena.

The lec­ture pro­gram will be held at Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics,the aca­de­mic cen­ter of sci­en­ti­fic acti­vi­ties in the fields of optics and pho­to­nics at the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena .




Fraunhofer IOFThe exten­ded exhi­bi­tion area is loca­ted just a few meters away in the Fraun­ho­fer IOF, where ever­yone meets for cof­fee and lunch breaks.




How to reach the Beu­ten­berg Campus:

  • By public trans­port: From the city cen­ter, choose eit­her of the bus lines 10, 11, 12 to reach the Beu­ten­berg campus.
  • By car: It is not easy to approach the Beu­ten­berg cam­pus by car due to the lack of public par­king lots at the cam­pus. Howe­ver, if you wish to arrive by car, use »Albert-Ein­stein-Str. 6« as major input for your GPS system.

Hotel recom­men­da­ti­ons:

Work­shop Ticker & Social Media

For updated infor­ma­tion, spea­k­ers and more please fol­low us on Lin­ke­dIn.



→ Hot spot for Pho­to­nics: Jena, the Euro­pean capi­tal of opti­cal tech­no­lo­gies. The Beu­ten­berg Cam­pus is home to num­e­rous insti­tu­tes, com­pa­nys and labo­ra­to­ries – con­nec­ted to optics and pre­cis­ion engineering.






→ Sep­tem­ber 2018: Prof. Andreas Tün­ner­mann opens the last work­shop in Jena. After a forced break in 2020 it is now time for the anni­ver­sary event.







 Guest from Roches­ter: Jan­nick Rolland, Uni­ver­sity of Roches­ter and Cen­ter for Free­form Optics, speaks to the nearly 200 guests.








Expertenaustausch OptoNet-Workshop

→ Time for exhi­bi­tion and net­wor­king: Guests app­re­ciate the balan­ced mix of tech­ni­cal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, exhi­bi­tion and networking.









Abbe Cen­ter of Photonics
Albert-Ein­stein-Straße 6
07745 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


Opto­Net e.V.
Nora Kirs­ten

03641 327 92 90

Diese Ver­an­stal­tung buchen

Bitte wäh­len Sie Ihr(e) Ticket(s)

Ticket-Typ Preis Plätze
Exhi­bi­tor Ticket
incl. 1 work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­tion, stand (table, chairs)
990,00 €
Ticket | regular 630,00 €
Ticket | Mem­ber­ship
For mem­bers of Opto­Net and the Optec­Net part­ner networks
430,00 €
Ticket | Stu­dent
For under­gra­duate stu­dents from FSU Jena and Ernst Abbe University
49,00 €

Ihre Anmel­de­da­ten



Ihre Buchungs­über­sicht

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